
About Us: newsletters

Patchwords Press is published monthly by the Foothill Quilters Guild, copyright 2009 FQG. The newsletter is free to Guild members in good standing.

Any quilt guild in California with whom we exchange newsletters may reprint articles without further permission by adding the following credit: "This article by [author] is reprinted from the [appropriate date] issue of the Foothill Quilters Guild Newsletter, Auburn, CA."

SubmissionsPatchwords Press newsletter

Previously unpublished manuscripts are welcomed.

Articles may be emailed to Patchwords Press editor:
Colleen Voet.

Classified Ads

Classified ads must be quilting or sewing related. Per issue ad rates are: business card $8; 1/4 page $13; 1/2 page $25; full page $35. Please make checks payable to the Foothill Quilters Guild. Ads may be emailed or sent as camera-ready text/illustration.


All articles and ads must be received by the Thursday following the monthly board meeting which is held on the third Monday of the month.